Cryotherapy / FreezPen

Cryotherapy / FreezPen

You can carry on with your day upon leaving the office. Follow up appointments need to be schedule 6 weeks or longer after initial treatment. Sun protection is a must after treatments. Further damage can occur to the already treated areas ....

Cryotherapy / FreezPen

What is Cryotherapy / FreezPen used for? Licensed by Health Canada for the removal of benign lesions and is a Non – Invasive Treatment. There is no Scarring, no downtime. It is even comfortable enough for children to be treated without anesthetic. Cryotherapy is the Gold Standard by clinical and aesthetic practices. We find 1 – 3 treatments are required for large or deep lesions. Plantar warts may require more treatments. You may experience some blistering and healing will take 2 – 4 weeks. This will vary slightly from person to person.

The Following Areas are Available to be Treated With Cryotherapy / FreezPen

* Nevus: A note from your primary care Doctor or Dermatologist is required to remove moles by way of Cryotherapy / FreezPen.

Your particular concerns can be discussed with your Medical Aesthetician during your Assessment.

Contraindications :unstable diabetes, skin conditions, eg. skin tumors, exanthema, open wounds, solar hyperkeratosis. Un explained, suspicious liver spots and moles. Cancer tissue and malignant tumors.

Before and after Cryotherapy Treatment of Age spot on face

Before and after treatment for and Age spot / Sun spot.

How Long Does It Take?

It can be as little as 1 treatment, and more likely 1 to 3 treatments. Follow – up is in 4 to 6 weeks. Expect some minor blistering and approximately 2 – 4 weeks of healing time. Some may fall off while others shrink and dry up.

Before and After Cryotherapy / FreezPen treatment to remove skin anomalies

What Is the Cost?

The cost will vary depending on the size’s of these benign lesions and how many you have We offer treatment for as little as 1 lesion to as much as a 90 minute “Get what you can” session.

For approximate measurements we use a dime, a nickel, a quarter and a loonie to simulate the sizes of a small benign lesions, a medium, a large, and an extra large – plus size lesion.

An Assessment prior to treatment will identify your needs and costs related to individual treatments.


Treatment of Common warts and Plantar warts. We recommend you be prepared for the possibility of several treatments on Plantar warts due to the stubborn nature of them.  


Your Assessment includes a discussion of your Client Intake Form, your needs, your lifestyle, schedule and cost of treatments.

Answers to any questions or concerns you might have. A recommended Treatment Plan to see you through your course of treatment(s). You will then have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

Please click the button below to read our Freezpen Treatment consent form:

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Your assessment includes a discussion of your client intake form, a treatment plan to suit your schedule and financial budget, and the information you need to make an informed decision.

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Copyright © 2024 Caldwell Place Clinic ~ Offering Electrolysis, Microneedling, Thermocoagulation, Cryotherapy & FreezPen